PSR Puglia 2014-2020
Sub-measure 16.2 supports the implementation of pilot projects and activities for the development of new products, practices, processes and technologies in the agri-food and forestry sector, as well as the transfer and dissemination of the results obtained by operational groups. The project "Consolidation of the supply chain in Apulia" (CUP: B79J20000100009) was financed under the RDP Apulia 2014-2020 - MS 16.2 "Support for pilot projects and the development of new products, practices, processes and technologies", for an amount of Euro 432,212.46 for a percentage equal to 100%.



Project leader, assumes the representation of the GO as agent. As governed by the Outline of Internal Rules (Annex 5B), he/she acts as administrative and financial coordinator in the implementation of the project activities; he/she coordinates the partners in the implementation of the activities in accordance with the approved project; he/she fulfils all the obligations deriving from the deed of grant and carries out all the activities necessary to ensure the best implementation of the Project.

To this end, it shares risks and results through interaction and systematic comparison with the other partners, throughout the development/implementation and dissemination of the innovation, in compliance with the modalities and timing foreseen for the implementation of the actions.

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