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Ex-Post Questions
What is quinoa and where does it come from?
Quinoa is one of the oldest plant species belonging to the genus Chenopodium. It is an annual, broad-leaved herbaceous plant, 1-2 m tall with deep, penetrating roots and can be cultivated from sea level up to an altitude of 3800 m. Native to the Andean region, it soon spread due to growing commercial interest and its high level of resilience to a variety of common environmental stresses, including drought, frost, soil salinity, diseases and pests.
Why is quinoa a cereal?
What are Quinoa nutritional benefits?
Is quinoa gluten free?
Which quinoa varieties were tested by the project?
Which climatic conditions are ideal for growing quinoa?
What are the main soils suitable for quinoa cultivation?
What are the growth and maturation cycles of quinoa?
Which irrigation techniques are optimal for growing quinoa?
La quinoa è resistente a parassiti e malattie?
Which crop rotations are recommended for quinoa?