PSR Puglia 2014-2020
Sub-measure 16.2 supports the implementation of pilot projects and activities for the development of new products, practices, processes and technologies in the agri-food and forestry sector, as well as the transfer and dissemination of the results obtained by operational groups. The project "Consolidation of the supply chain in Apulia" (CUP: B79J20000100009) was financed under the RDP Apulia 2014-2020 - MS 16.2 "Support for pilot projects and the development of new products, practices, processes and technologies", for an amount of Euro 432,212.46 for a percentage equal to 100%.


In Apulia, the spread of wheat monoculture or its alternation with renovation crops that are losing profitability, raises the need to explore and develop new crops. Quinoa, due to its qualitative and productive characteristics, associated with limited agronomic requirements, may represent a valid alternative in Puglia's cereal crop rotation.
The cultivation area and production in the main quinoa-producing countries (Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador) at least doubled from 1992 to 2010, while Italy imported 2,241 tonnes in 2016 (FAO and European Commission). Quinoa is a renewal crop with the potential to raise farmers' incomes due to its high market price, growing demand and low production in Europe, which forces its importation from South America, with related transport costs and negative environmental impact.



The innovations that will be developed by the project will be easily transferable to the productive world and can generate important effects even in the short term.
identification of the
most suitable cultivars
to the Apulian areas.

the definition of the most
most appropriate agronomic techniques
to maximise production

the removal of saponins
through abrasion of the
cortical part reducing the
nutrient losses


The overall objective of this project is to spread quinoa cultivation in Apulia, consolidating its supply chain from the producer to the production of flour. This will be done through the optimisation of agronomic practices, with particular reference to weed control and product harvesting.


The project is expected to produce numerous effects from a productive and social point of view:
from the strengthening of know-how
to the consolidation of the quinoa supply chain in Apulia
to the introduction of quinoa in crop rotation
to the creation of jobs, especially in the downstream and upstream segments of the supply chain.
- Introduction of a high-income crop
- Improvement of the selling price 
- Improvement of farm profitability
- Improving environmental protection methods
- Reducing the environmental footprint
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transport
- Increase in quinoa areas
- Increased productivity in Apulia


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